PLEASE NOTE: This information is for registered participants. For information on registration, visit our registration page or contact Karen Grommada at registration@portcoquitlamcarshow.ca or 604-632-4803

We look forward to having you join us at the 18th Annual Metro Ford Downtown Port Coquitlam Car Show!

Your early entry helps us prepare for the best show possible and guarantees you a spot in one of the most popular outdoor car shows in the lower mainland.  

Full Event Schedule: 

August 17, 2024

3:00 - 6:00 PM | Check-In Open

4:00 - 6:00 PM | BBQ Dinner for Registered Participants

6:00 - 8:00 PM | Car Cruise through the Community

August 18, 2024

7:00 - 9:00 AM | Participant check-in and car photos

7:30 - 11:00 AM | Breakfast

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM | 400+ Vehicles displayed throughout Downtown Port Coquitlam

11:00 AM - 5:00 PM | Children’s activities including rock climbing, and Jelks Carnival

11:00 AM - 7:15 PM | Main Stage Live Entertainment and Beverage Garden


This is where you will receive your registration bundle including your registration card, food vouchers, dash plaque, t-shirts, etc.

  • Please keep your registration card visible to car show volunteers at all times.

  • Hours of operation:

Saturday: 3:00 - 6:00 PM on Donald St, close to Wilson Ave and the BBQ 

Sunday: 7:00 - 9:00 AM on Wilson Ave and Mary Hill Road (by the lacrosse box). You must arrive between 7:00 - 9:00 AM to guarantee a spot in the show!

Car Cruise: 

  • For those of you participating you are welcome to check-in early for the Car Show. Each registrant will get one free BBQ voucher and additional combos are available for purchase for $9 directly from the Scouts.

  • The BBQ will be located in the beer garden (off of Wilson Ave) from 4:00 - 6:00 PM.

  • Friendly reminder, all participants are to adhere to all road rules outlined in the Motor Vehicle Act while driving in the cruise. Any drivers observed doing a burnout could be subject to tickets and fines up to $25,000 and banned from future shows.



  • Please enter on Wilson or McAllister East bound off Shaughnessy as staging will be on McAllister, Mary Hill, Donald and Wilson.


  • Please view the staging map below or click here to download.

  • Cooperation in helping us park your car is greatly appreciated. Please be patient while we park the cars ahead of you.

  • Staging will be on Wilson Ave West of Kingsway Ave (across from the West Coast Express Parking Lot). All cars must enter at Kingsway and Wilson where a staging volunteer will direct you to line up. 

  • If you did not check in on Saturday, park in the staging area, walk to the check in tent to get your registration card, tshirt and food voucher, then return to your car to be ready when it is time to proceed to the show

  • If you would like to park near your friends, you must all arrive together. Please arrange a location away from the staging area and proceed to the staging area together.

  • ALL vehicles will line up for a photo when they arrive. You will be able to pick up your photo from the info booth located near Leigh Square. 

  • Unfortunately, there are no guaranteed parking spaces, and you cannot move once you have been given a spot.

  • Once you have been parked you are expected to stay until the end of the show (4pm). This is a safety and insurance issue that must be strictly adhered to.


Brought to you by Pennington Holdings Ltd, and Dominion Lending Centres. Catering provided by Top Notch Catering.

  • Located at the Outlet by City Hall (off of McAllister Ave) from 7:30 - 11:00 am

  • Each registrant will get one free breakfast voucher and additional breakfasts can be purchased at the door for $5


  • Over 20 categories will receive recognition on the Main Stage at 4:00 pm.    

Thank you for your participation – you make the show – and we appreciate it. 

We are looking forward to another great day together. 

This event is only possible because of the generous financing that has been provided by all of the Downtown PoCo businesses and our partnership with Metro Ford.  Please be courteous and give a heartfelt thank you to all the volunteers for their dedication and hard work. Their contributions have made a significant impact, and we couldn't have done it without them!

Thank you all for your support!

The 2024 Downtown PoCo Car Show Committee